Friday, December 6, 2013

The rest of the story

Snow, snow, snow.
Well sprain and all I had to continue plowing because with a 4 wheeler and 5 foot plow you can only handle around 10 - 12 inches of snow.  Well, I expected that my four wheeler would start this morning after the gas evaporated off the plug.  But no such luck.  I had to change the spark plug.  But  I had to drive to town to pick one up.  So before I left for town I went to get the book on how to remove the plug.  Low and behold, my type A personality actually saved me.  There in the 4-wheeler file was a new spark plug for emergencies.  I did not remember replacing it after the last change.  So no trip to town. Yippee. So I changed the plug and still no go.  So I put the charger on the battery for just an extra boost of power.  That is when I noticed the kill switch was on. It was all the time. My glove must have brushed it over when I got off the machine when I finish plowing on Monday. It started and I did round 2 on
Tuesday.  Now I am expecting to plow again on Wednesday. But it is quilting day at the church so I will go but watch the weather so I can get home okay. So that afternoon I removed snow. But it snowed the rest of the afternoon and into the night.    Then Thursday I  removed the final amount of snow.   I got my 4-wheeler stuck in the ditch and had to use my pick-up to pull it out and bring it back into the yard.  Now  I need to tell you about cleaning off my roof. Read on tomorrow.

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