Almond bark, pretzel and a M & M |
Mary circle was in charge of serving the snack for our combined circle meeting. We decided to bring muffins. What goes with muffins but bacon and eggs. It was just the right amount of sweets to accent the muffins. Everyone seemed to enjoy the the whimsy of them. Our bible study was about Paul's letters. I found it interesting that Paul's letters were written 20 years before the gospels were written. That surely is a little known fact. But the surprising part was the issues that the church was dealing with are the same issues that we are still dealing with today. How to take communion, types of foods that were served in the church, and what is appropriate attire to wear to church just to name a few. Our pastor led the bible study which made it very interesting and he has the ability to bring it to life.
What a fun looking group of ladies.