This sweater pattern came out in 1985. You know the ones that come out in leaflet form to sell yarn. I got it at Ben Franklins. So of course I asked my Mom to make me one as I really liked it. Some of you know how I like to dress with an individual flare. Anyway I wore that one out. So I had the brilliant idea to make one myself. That was a year ago. You know how ideas just sound so good in the middle of the night, but in the brilliance of the day not so much. Well, I kept up with it and finished it this weekend. I plan to wear it at home with a pair of black knit pants. That should keep me warm when the house seems a bit cooler. But this Thursday I will wear it to knitting. I followed the instructions to a tee, but the sleeve got over sized and too long. Well the front and back are knitted as one piece each so I could not unknit and reknit those parts. So being the seamstress I am I altered both sleeves to fit and overcasted the sleeve seem so it would not ravel away. Then set in the cuffs. Not exactly the way to go. But like I said it is a house sweater for me to enjoy. I really don't care if it isn't done like those high powered knitter knit. The proof is in the pudding or in this case the knitting.
Side note.:) Did you notice that I use the word seamstress. Well at first I use the word sewer, but then realized it spelled sewer too. I certainly did not want to confuse you.
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