My Grandpa Fred Kaupp |
This sign is in the LAZYJjACKS BAR |
My motorcycle group met at Lazy Jacks for supper and talk. It is funny, but none of us rode our cycles. It was raining, but I had the only great excuse. Mine was in the shop getting its break-in oil changed as I have rode it for over 1000 miles. I am glad to get this oil change just before putting it away for the winter. The pictures of the M & I Club were interesting to the my friends. They called themselves the Ugly Mugs. My Grandpa was an engineer for the M & I for years. He had a triangle route to International falls to Duluth and back again. Dad said when he came in he would slow down so that he and his two brothers could hop on the train and ride to the terminal with him. They lived in Nymore on 3rd. I do remember grandpa talking about the logger and I think that trees and people were what he hauled.
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