Saturday, December 15, 2012


All those gifts I opened and didn't have to............I wish I had known.
Always good to remind ourselves.....
A wonderful story attributed to Buddha:
Buddha was travelling in the company of several other people. One of the travellers begins to test Buddha by responding to anything he has to say with disparaging, insulting, hurtful remarks. Every day for the next three days, this traveller just verbally abuses Buddha, calling him a fool, arrogantly ridiculing him in any way he can.
Finally, after three days of this, the rude traveller can stand it no longer! He asks Buddha, "How can you continue to be so kind and loving when all I've done for the last three days is dishonour, offend and try to find ways to hurt you? Each time I try to hurt you, you respond in a kind manner? How can this be?!"
The Buddha responded with a question for his fellow traveller, "If someone offers you a gift, and you do not accept that gift, to whom does the gift belong ?"
So when somebody offers us a "gift" of their insults or hurtful remarks, we can choose whether or not to accept these "gifts". If we don't accept them, those "gifts" still belong to whoever was trying to "give" them. So we don't have to be upset or angry about something that belongs to someone else…….

** You simply don't need to accept the gift (of bullying, anger, hate, insult etc) - it then still belongs to the other person.....**

Try it - IT WORKS !!


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