Monday, April 30, 2012

Hey Culligan Man

I have just started experiencing iron filled hard water at my house.   I have a water conditioner, but it was not working like it did the two years that I have lived in my house.  I  heard on the radio that the Culligan man would do a check up on any machine.  I scheduled him to come on Monday.  Well there were just a few minor adjustments and he has me on my way to softer water.  I have me to bring him a sample of my water after it has recharged.   But I will tell you that I think he has fixed the problem.  I can tell by my shower and my whirlpool bathe I took yesterday.  If my water does not pass the test I will be having the Culligan Man install  a new system.  I had 6 parts per million iron and 24 grains of harness.  It really brought me back to the 50's watching him test the water.  My Dad built his own water softener.  It did not have the automatic recharge system that the new ones have now.  He had to push a button manually on the machine to recharge it.  But I can see him as plain as it was yesterday testing the water after he ran the recharge.   It just doesn't make sense that Minnesota with the amount of water in this state that we should experience bad water. 


I am going to peak performance three days each week.  I work mainly on balance.  I walk forward and backward on a spongy balance beam.  I do a lot of work on a trampoline.  I stair climb.  I do work on the large balls like sit ups and walking out with the ball as my only support. These all strengthen my "core." It was explained to me that the core is when your good balance is located.  It seems to be helping.  Plus the usual gym rat things like tread and stepper. 
Bemidji has a lot of gyms.  Not only Peak, but Snap and Anytime Fitness.  The college has a gym you can use if you are an alum.  There is one called Health Quest for Women.  There are several private ones that I am aware that exit but don't know their names.  You can walk three days a week at the Sanford Center  There program is free and is called Sanford steps.

The only limits is your own will power.  If  I am lazy then all the clubs in the world will not help.  One has to be a dedicated gym rat to see results.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

More eggs please

A young man sprinkling his lawn and bushes with pesticides wanted to check the contents of the barrel to see how much pesticide remained in it. He raised the cover and lit his lighter; the vapors ignited and engulfed him. He jumped from his truck, screaming..
His neighbor came out of her house with a dozen eggs and a bowl yelling: "bring me some more eggs!"

She broke them, separating the whites from the yolks.

The neighbor woman helped her to apply the whites onto the young man's face.

When the ambulance arrived and the EMTs saw the young man, they asked who had done this. Everyone pointed to the lady in charge. They congratulated her and said: "You have saved his face." By the end of the summer, the young man brought the lady a bouquet of roses to thank her. His face was like a baby's skin.

Keep in mind this treatment of burns is being included in teaching beginner fireman.
First Aid consists of first spraying cold water on the affected area until the heat is reduced which stops the continued burning of all layers of the skin.
Then, spread the egg whites onto the affected area.
One woman burned a large part of her hand with boiling water. In spite of the pain, she ran cold faucet water on her hand, separated 2 egg whites from the yolks, beat them slightly and dipped her hand in the solution. The whites then dried and formed a protective layer.
She later learned that the egg white is a natural collagen and continued during at least one hour to apply layer upon layer of beaten egg white. By afternoon she no longer felt any pain and the next day there was hardly a trace of the burn. 10 days later, no trace was left at all and her skin had regained its normal color. The burned area was totally regenerated thanks to the collagen in the egg whites, a placenta full of vitamins.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hats off to our ladies

Friday April 27th the first Lutheran Women held the annual party honoring the ladies over 80 years of age from our church.  This year the theme was Hats off to our lLadies.  After our guests were recognized Susan Colliander lead us in devotions.  The Sarah circle prepared a wonderful strawberry dessert.  My circle had done the decorations and invitations.  Jill Bitker from Netzer's floral had a wonderful presentation on flower arranging.  John Romer and Sarah Carlson provided our music.  What a wonderful way to spend a Friday afternoon.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Unlucky Saturday

This is a story of what happens when I break my own rule about going to Bemidji on a Saturday. I just don't like the crowds of people.   Back a few weeks I went to the Senior Citizen pancake breakfast.  When I arrived I was confronted with an ambulance and a police car at the entrance.  The Emt's were working on a lady.  Not knowing that there was an entrance in the back I just waited.  When I was noticed they told me about the back way in.  But that is not until I witnessed her die.  After meeting with my friends I went about my day.  I found out that I should have just stayed home.  I went to get fencing materials for my garden project only to have the guy loading my poles put a small dent in the back panel of my truck.  Then I got home to make soup and my pressure cooker wouldn't hold steam pressure. The steam release valve of my pressure cooker had snapped off.   So I thought I should take a nap and turned on my TV in the bedroom only to have it go into lock down mode.  It would turn on, but not stay on.  Monday rolled around and I sent in the lid to the company and they will replace or fix mine.  I called the TV company and was very pleased with the first statement on the call which was we are very happy to tell you that our tech service is in the United States and you will be talking to an American about our American made TV.  After speaking with her a minute she told me what was wrong and that she would send out a gizmo to fix it.  Before I hung up I told her as a senior citizen who can't hear and can't understand when someone speaks fast and speaks with an accent I was very pleased with the American service techs and would she please pass that on to the upper management how important that is.  And  would they please continue that service.

Anyway the gizmo came and I follow the instructions and reset my TV.  It actually connected  to a satellite that enable the company tech to reset the TV.  The company is in California. My TV is working very well now. 

That day reminded me of that little guy in the old cartoons that had a black cloud over his head.  His name was Joe Btfspik from Lil Abner.  I remember this as this was my Dad's favorite cartoon. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

American Legion Post Home

Tuesday Night I helped serve a free Legion Spaghetti supper.  I really had a great time.  I worked with three other gals from the Auxiliary.  I am glad that I transferred in to the Ralph Gracie Unit 14 of Bemidji.  The reason that the Legion men where meeting was to discuss the necessity of selling the Legion building.  The Legion has 510 members, but only about 25 of those members are active.  The post is in  financial difficulties.  The bottom line is that they have lost money for every year for 10 years.  The expenses to maintain and run the post building  are too much for the membership to support.   They have an offer on the table that is between 400 and 500 thousand dollars.  That hits the mark of the building's  appraisal.  The post will not be folding.  They will move to a building with smaller footprint and reopen in a building that they can afford.  The final vote was to sell the building.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Digging the holes
As I asked for information about my fencing project I got varying opinions.  But as I continued to talk to people about this project I found that my friend Don had some of the best advise.  He was very respectful of my ideas.  The issue was whether to use cement or not.  Well, I am here to tell you that I may or may not have used cement.  And if I do use cement it will be kept a secret. I really thought the digging the holes would be my hardest part.  But I had borrowed a post hole digger that was just twisted into the ground.   It worked much better than the ones I used when I was a kid on the farm.  Dad didn't distinguish between male or female.  As kid both my brother and I had to fence.  The farm that I grew up on was not sand like I have at my present place.  It was rocky and clay.  Much more difficult to dig.

Poles set

Rik's idea as explained to me via the phone

One more side to go

Monday, April 23, 2012

Dr. Oz

What do beets, cashews, and avocado have in common?  They are foods that help memory.   I was told by Don and Janet that Dr. Oz recommends these three foods be put in your diet.  But As I researched this I found out that is only part of the story.  He recommends that foods that are high in antioxidants and B 12 be added to your diet to increase memory. 

Vitamin C is an antioxidant found in abundance in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes. You'll also find antioxidants in other fruits, such as apples, avocados, cherries, plums, pears and pineapple. Berries -- and blueberries in particular -- are also high in antioxidants. In addition to vitamin C, blueberries contain anthocyanins, the antioxidant-rich flavonoid that gives them their blue color. While the boost in antioxidants is nice and might tempt you to significantly increase your daily fruit consumption, be aware that fruits contain high amounts of sugar, which can cause your body's blood sugar level to spike. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 2 cups of fruit per day for most people

Vegetables are good sources of several antioxidants. Dark, leafy greens, artichokes and green peppers are among the vegetables that are high in vitamin C. You'll also receive the antioxidants vitamin A and carotenoids from vegetables such as kale, collard greens, sweet potatoes, squash and carrots. Broccoli is among the foods richest in antioxidants, containing vitamin C, vitamin A and carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene. Avoid overcooking broccoli, which can decrease its vitamin C levels. To maintain broccoli's antioxidant levels, eat it raw or steam it.

When I got home from talking to Janet and Don I had to email them to get the list as I had forgotten two of the foods they had told me.  I wonder if I need to up the cashews, beets and avocados.

Don and Janet I hope you are having a great vacation.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dirt delivery

I had my dirt delivered on Wednesday.  It looks like great top soil.  I hope it isn't full of weed seed.  But I think it is a lot of soil and it is only half a load.     I am already seeing the possibilities of how I will use the left over if there is any.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I was told by several of my readers that they start their day with my blog and would not miss reading it.  My reply was that as much as you like reading it (and believe me I am thankful for all my readers) I get ten times the pleasure writing it. I am just playing with words, as James Michener said, because I like the "swing"  of them "as they tangle with human emotions."I started this venture October 1st of 2011.  I do wonder if I will be able to continually write about things that are important enough for people that chose to live an independent, uncompromising life to continually read my blog. I have a friend that is now calling me peanutbutter because of the address of the blog.  I guess I kind of like that nick name.  I guess there is a lot worse names that I could get.  There seems to be several themes that run through my blog: animals that have been in my yard, Bemidji events that interest me, books that I am reading, and butter.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ditch witch

Tommy Langhout was contracted to lay the cable for my electric project.  I really was fasinated with the ditch witch,  It was amazing to me that he just had to walk by it to control its speed and direction.  The electrician hooked up the wires  at both ends.  I am in the business of saving money.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Raised gardens

The balance between function and aesthetics has always been a challenge for gardeners. Whether you're looking for a way to have that great garden of fruits and vegetables or wanting to spruce up your flower beds, there are a lot of great options available. Raised garden beds are a great idea for both function and aesthetics.
Raised beds are a great cure-all for many types of soil or landscaping problems. You can build them on flat or sloped ground or even right on top of concrete. They can be sized and shaped to meet your exact needs and you can fill them with topsoil and compost.

I have added two more raised garden plots.  They measure 4 feet by 4 feet. They each take 8 cu foot of dirt. Last year my two raised gardens had lilies, petunias and glads in them. This year I plan glads, lilies, and nasturiums. But I will be putting my pumpkins in one of the new ones and cucumbers in the other. They are easy to care for, but must be watched carefully to keep them moist.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Resurrection Plant

Resurrection plant nearly dead. Or at least on its last legs.
After transplanting

After one week.  The improvement is slight but it is noticeable.


On Thursday April 11th I transplanted all my house plants and one from the church that I call the resurrection plant.  I planted them in a mixture of top soil to worm poop  3 to 1 .  Josh Burham told me that it would help with root development. The one from church was nearly dead. This will truely be the test if worm poop helps plants.  Readers I will post updates on the resurrection plants progress. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Blue bird houses

Bluebirds are territorial, prefer open grassland with scattered trees and are cavity nesters. Bluebirds can typically produce between two and four broods during the spring and summer (March through August). Males identify potential nest sites and try to attract prospective female mates to those nesting sites with special behaviors that include singing and flapping wings, and then placing some material in a nesting box or cavity. If the female accepts the male and the nesting site, she alone builds the nest and incubates the eggs. Ladies does that sound familiar.
Predators of young bluebirds in the nests can include snakes, cats and raccoons. Non-native and native bird species competing with bluebirds for nesting locations include the Common Starling, American Crow, and House Sparrow, which take over the nesting sites of bluebirds, killing young and smashing eggs and probably killing adult bluebirds.
Bluebirds are attracted to platform bird feeders, filled with grubs of the darkling beetle, sold by many online bird product wholesalers as mealworms. Bluebirds will also eat raisins soaked in water.
By the 1970s, bluebird numbers had declined by estimates ranging to 70% due to unsuccessful competition with house sparrows and starlings, both introduced species, for nesting cavities, coupled with a decline in habitat.
Of all the birds a gardener could choose to attract, the bluebird is the quintessential helpful garden bird. Gardeners go to extreme lengths to attract and keep them in the garden for their beneficial properties. Bluebirds are voracious insect consumers, quickly ridding a garden of insect pests.

I just finished cleaning out the old nests in my two bluebird houses.  Hopefully there are several males that are successful in attaching females to build  nests this year.  When I moved back to Bemidji and purchased my house, I knew nothing about care of the nest or bluebird habits.  I found that it is easy.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Prayer for those who influence others

Almighty God, you proclaim your truth in every age by many

voices: Direct, in our time, we pray, those who speak where

many listen and write what many read; that they may do their

part in making the heart of this people wise, its mind sound, and

its will righteous; to the honor of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

I am reading "Take good care of the garden and the dogs" by Heather Lende. She is a writer who lives in Haines, Alaska.
I quote a part of that book where she speaks about the above prayer.
"It says that those of us who write what 'many read' need to do our part in making the heart of this people wise, its mind sound and its will righteous." She goes on to say she misses more times then she hits, but at least she is trying.

I know that for me I am not even near that goal.  But with time I hope that I will be able to attain that goal.   I do know that I am consistent.  I started this blog October 1, 2011.  So far I have published a post every day since.  That is 200 posts. 


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Northwest Technical College

Northwest Technical College Opened in 1965 with two programs:  Carpentry and Automotive Mechanics.  Today NTC offers 58 degrees.  I had my first tour of the campus as the Car Club that I belong to was invited to have supper of subs and sodas.  After the business of awarding the scholarship to a deserving student some of the women got to tour the campus.  All I can say is WOW.
They have an annual enrollment of 2300 plus students.  Tuition is $5,300.  The largest program areas are Nursing, Business/accounting, Automotive Services and Child Care.

I really was impressed with the murals on the walls so we took our picture by one of my favorites.

Made from drift wood

Historical display of Nursing uniforms, pictures and equipment from Aag-Gwah-ching

Saturday, April 14, 2012

So help me God

                This is by a daughter of a murdered couple in Raytown , MO
, who had a Bible and Bookstore on 63rd street .. She says:

                When I had to testify at the murder trial of my parents a
 week ago, I was asked to raise my right hand... The bailiff started out
 "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the

 I stood there and waited but she said nothing. She said "Do > you?"

 I was so stunned I blurted out "What happened to "so help
 me God'?"

She came back with "Do you?" I replied yes, but I was

 Then the judge said . "You can say that if you want to."

 I stopped, raised my right hand, and finished with "So help
 me God!"

I told my son and daughter that when it came time for them
to testify, they should do the same.

 I don't know what can be done about it, but it's time for
 us to step up and DO something.
  NBC this morning had a poll on this question.. They had the
 highest number of responses that they have ever had for one of their
 polls, and the percentage was the same as this:

 86% to keep the words, 14% against... That is a pretty
 'commanding' public response.

It is said that 86% of Americans
 believe in God.

Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there
 is such a mess about having
 "In God We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge
 of Allegiance.

 Why is the world catering to this 14%?
                In God We Trust

Friday, April 13, 2012

Subs and Sodas

The Northwest Technical College invites the Paul Bunyan Vintage Auto Club to a meal to introduce the club to the scholarship recipient.  Each year the club awards a scholarhip that is in the Automotive Service Program or the High Performance Engine Machinist Program.  The High Performance Engine Machinist students built the engine and the car club will sell raffle ticket for that engine especially during the car show which is July 20th - 22nd this year.  The proceeds from the raffle go to the Northwest Techical College Foundation.  This years engine is a 2002 Truck 6.0 L LS Engine. Come to the car show and buy a ticket.


Thursday, April 12, 2012


I have a steel building that is on a separate meter then my house.  As you probably guessed I don't use much electricity any given month and probably none during the winter months.  But it has its own meter and a minimum of $29.00 is charged.  They refer to it is the access fee.  So I have contracted an electrician and a trencher to attach my building's electricity to my house meter.  There three differenct agencies that will have to come out and check if the route is clear.  The first two had machines that whistled like a bird.  They all seem to like to paint as they sprayed markings on the ground.  They assure me that the markings will last only about 2-3 weeks.  The last one must have run out of paint as he planted a wire sign that read no conflict.  It will cost me approximately one year of  $29 charges or $350 to change it over.  Then over the next 15 years I will save 5,220 dollars. So far it seems like a no brainer.   

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Headwater Castings

Monday night I had the privilege of listening to Josh Burnham.  He is the great grandson of one of my neighbors when I was growing up in the 50"s. In fact he is living on his great grandfathers farm.  He is the owner and operator of Headwaters Castings. He is a good speaker and very knowledgeable about his product that he makes on the farm.  His product can be purchase in Bemidji at many of the greenhouses and Luekens.

"Red Worms, Worm poop Fertilizer and Worm poop Tea will Help Your Garden Grow the Way Nature Intended" commented Josh.

Are you looking for great natural fertilizer?  Red worms some of the best natural fertilizer producers in the world. They are great for decomposing yard and household waste, in fact; you need red worms for composting to get the nutrient and mineral rich worm fertilizer called worm poop or worm poop castings. A medium size worm bed with red worms will process several pounds of organic waste a day, creating organic fertilizer that will result in healthy soil for your garden. You say you don't want to have your own worm farm but you still would like to use worm poop furtilizer.  Get a bag and try it out.


Using red worms for composting, also called vermiculture composting, is the process of using red worms to decompose organic yard and food waste, turning the waste into a natural fertilizer called worm poop or worm poop castings. Worm fertilizer adds beneficial organisms, nutrients and minerals to the soil that sustain healthy plant life and vital plant growth. These microorganisms and soil fauna help break down organic materials and convert nutrients into a more available food form for plants. Red worms and worm poop and worm poop tea improves soil structure, texture, and aeration as well as increasing water-holding capacity in the soil. Plants grow stronger and have deeper root systems for better drought tolerance and disease resistance.

Studies have shown that as food passes through the worm's body, the worms have the amazing ability to eliminate pathogens and carcinogens in the soil. Worm poop mixed with soil provides a natural organic fertilizer and a tremendous source of nutrients for plants that dramatically improves the texture and fertility of soil. This replaces valuable nutrients taken out of the soil when fruit and vegetables are harvested.

Worm poop tea is created as moisture builds in the worm bed. The worm tea is very concentrated in liquid form. A little goes a long way. Worm tea is bottled in reused recycled plastic bottles and is easy to use. Worm poop tea is for indoor and outdoor plants and great in the garden, but IS NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION!

Rehabilitate your soil into healthy soil by using red worms and worm poop and worm poop tea.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The nineteenth admendment

Why Women Can Vote
This is the story of our Mothers and Grandmothers who lived only 90 years ago.
Remember, it was not until 1920 that women were granted the right to go to the polls and vote.

The women were innocent and defenseless, but they were jailed nonetheless for picketing the White House, carrying signs asking for the vote.

And by the end of the night, they were barely alive. Forty prison guards wielding clubs and their warden's blessing went on a rampage against the 33 women wrongly convicted of 'obstructing sidewalk traffic.'
They beat Lucy Burns, chained her hands to the cell bars above her head and left her hanging for the night, bleeding and gasping for air.

They hurled Dora Lewis into a dark cell, smashed her head against an iron bed and knocked her out cold. Her cell mate, Alice Cosu, thought Lewis was dead and suffered a heart attack. Additional affidavits describe the guards grabbing, dragging, beating, choking, slamming, pinching, twisting and kicking the women.
Thus unfolded the 'Night of Terror' on Nov. 15, 1917, when the warden at the Occoquan Workhouse in Virginia ordered his guards to teach a lesson to the suffragists imprisoned there because they dared to picket Woodrow Wilson's White House for the right to vote.
For weeks, the women's only water came from an open pail. Their food - all of it colorless slop - was infested with worms

When one of the leaders, Alice Paul, embarked on a hunger strike, they tied her to a chair, forced a tube down her throat and poured liquid into her until she vomited. She was tortured like this for weeks until word was smuggled out to the press.

It is jarring to know Woodrow Wilson and his cronies try to persuade a psychiatrist to declare Alice Paul insane so that she could be permanently institutionalized. And it is inspiring to know the doctor refuse. Alice Paul was strong, he said, and brave. That didn't make her crazy. The doctor admonished the men: 'Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.'

HBO produced a movie on this very topic called the Iron Jawed Angels.
Ladies after watching the movie you will never take your vote for granted again.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Smoking a turkey for Easter

Soak the turkey for 24 hours in a  curing salt and ice water
Put in the smoker at 225 degrees for 12 hours or until the bird is 165 degrees
Add wine, beer or water to the water pan

Add apple woods chips soaked in water.

I add a fully cooked ham later so it would baste the turkey and add to the flavor of the ham.

Slice and serve.

Historians believe the act of smoking meat originated centuries ago with ancient man. Fish was the first meat smoked. The smoke possibly was a way to keep flies away during the drying process, but people soon realized it also doubled as a preservative. In ninth century Poland, there is archaeological evidence showing people smoked large amounts of fish.

With the advent of cooking over fire, smoking meat was born, and with it an important means of preserving meat. Early man learned that smoke cured meat. It would keep for long periods, and provide sustenance when no other foods were available.

Cooking meat with smoke preserves in two ways; by dehydration, and by the curing properties of the chemicals in the smoke. Each prevent bacterial growth, making it possible to store the meat for extended periods without refrigeration. Smoke curing and drying meat were the only preservation methods besides salting that were available before refrigeration.

I think you can safely assume that wherever people cooked food with fire, they also realized that the smoke from the fire acted as a preservative when it was absorbed into foods. And another thing they realized was that the right amount of smokiness improved the flavor of the foods.

Nowadays, meats and fish are smoked to add flavor, and for the most part, not for preservation. When meat is flavored with smoke it becomes a delicacy, something very special.