This is the rose that they gave me after my surgery
I just had a colonoscopy. Anyone that knows me well knows that I do not like procedures. Preparation was the worse part. The day before the surgery I had to just have a liquid diet. Then I had to drink this laxative laced gatorade (64 ounces) as quickly as I could. It should have all be drank in an hour, but it took me over two hours to get it down. After cleaning out I needed to keep hydrated and then after midnight nothing at all. When I awoke from the surgery my throat hurt. I kept asking why and finally the doctor came in and I asked him how far in did he put that camera. Did he see my tonsils. I told him that my throat was scratched and very sore. He laughed then told me what had happened. They had to insert a respirator in during surgery. My system went into overdrive to create mucus to protect my body from this invasion and I actually started choking on it. My throat was closing. It took 2 days before my throat felt okay. Even now it is a bit scratchy. I wanted to show you pictures of this procedure, but the doctor told me he didn't take any as I had such a perfect colon. It was a picture of health. Well, now you know that I am a perfect asshole. I guess I will have to live up to my name. I do want to thank my friend Janet for taking me to and from my surgery. I was told that I could not drive for the next 24 hours. Well so much for following directions. I had to get Dave to dialysis. Of course there was quilting Wednesday morning at church and then the Lenten services and lunch. I accomplished everything without getting a DWI. Well, I am usually not that defiant of the law, but then everyday life gets in the way and decisions must be made. Well, I am not under the influence any more. So I am off to lunch with friends and knitting today, my favorite day of the week.
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