Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I am a member of the American Legion Auxiliary.  I have been a member for10 years.  The position I hold in the Ralph Gracie Unit #14 is Home service.  This is the person that helps vets in any way that I can have a better life.  Now you realize I don't have to do this single handed. There is a group of Veitnam vets that meet every Wednesday to talk and help control some of the horror that they remember.  Well, I bake cookies twice a month and deliver them to their meeting site.  I have not met any of them, but they have sent word how much they enjoy the cookies, but moreover they are just pleased that someone remembers them.  I also thank them for their service on a note that identifies that they come from me and the Auxiliary.   I am always on the look out for a vet that has needs.

1 comment:

  1. You are the sweetest person I know! Wish we had more people like you in the area - or the whole word! I do so love your little blogs - they sure make my day. I read most of them at school and of course with security I can't leave comments, but rest asure I have enjoyed them all!!
