Saturday, February 18, 2012

Life in the Northwoods

I covered my septic system with 18 inches of straw.  That is 6 more then they recommended.  But who would have guessed that my drainage field would freeze.  So when I ran my dishwasher this morning some water end up in my laundry room. Before I could get anyone there to help it went down on its own.  But it was a slow seepage.  I called Bobs Econopump and he was over that afternoon.  It was the drainage field.   The septic tank is okay.  The pipe from the house was not plugged.  And the septic tank is now empty.  Good to go if I take it easy on the water usage.  It seems anything can be fixed if you have enough money.  $118.00.

Anyway I went into camping mode and set up a bucket in the garage.  Also I am showering at Peak after my workout.  Any dishes and spit bath water is being carried outside.   I was just saying that I was glad I didn't have to use a laundromat anymore.  Well, I have a load of clothes that I will take over this afternoon.  I won't say that I will dry them at home and break my dryer too. 

This is making me remember how hard it was for our ancestors to cope with winter.  But..... I am scheduled for a colonoscopy the end of February.  Preparing for the surgery I can see all kinds of problems happening if I can not use the septic system.  Think about it.  YUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.

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