Wednesday, September 26, 2012

deciduous trees

These are my three token deciduous trees in my yard

the rest are evergreens.
My acre of land has forty to fifty trees on it.  No real shade trees.  I have to tell you that it is very easy to use my sweeper to prepare for lawn in the spring.  I usually find time to rake up the leaves in the fall too.  I do have a plan brewing in my mind to remove a cedar and three jack pines  by my  steel building and replace them with a split rail fence and three trees spread out the expanse of the two to three sections of fence.  I need to really think about it as it just isn't easy for me to cut down trees.  But these 4 trees need to go.  They were planted too close  and they are ugly.  So I will continue thinking about it and try to figure out a fast growing, nice looking deciduous tree.

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