Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I planted my cucumbers the end of April in pots inside.  I then transplanted them outside and had to cover them three times because of frost.  I found this ladder at the neighbors as he was disgarding it.  He was reluctant to give it to me as it was so rickety  He said it can't be used as a ladder.  I told what my plans were so he gave it to me willingly.  I am training the cucumbers to grown up the ladder. At first I used the drill sargarent method and tried yelling at them to grow up the ladder.  Finally I had to tie on the vines with soft fabric ties so as not to  cut into the vines thereby damaging them.  So far so good.  I wondered if  they will grown enough to cover most of the ladder.   Now look at the results.  I ate my first cucumber July 2nd.  It was delicious.

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